
July 30, 2024

7:15 AM

Bus departs Cyr Bus Lines in Old Town
153 Gilman Falls Ave, Old Town, ME 04468

9:00 AM

Bus departs Augusta Civic Center
Civic Center Park and Ride Lot -  92-98 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330

Eric Venturini, President, AGCOM

Overview of Tour

9:45 AM

Hunter Farm Research Station (PFAS)
956 Albion Road, Unity 04988

The University of Maine established a new partnership with Sue Hunter to advance research on per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, on her farm in Unity, Maine. 

11:00 AM

MOFGA Heritage Orchard
Just past 80 Crosby Brook Road, Unity, ME 04988

The Maine Heritage Orchard is a ten acre  preservation educational orchard located at the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) in Unity. The orchard is already home to over 300 varieties of apples and pears traditionally grown in Maine, with more being added each year.

11:30 AM

Lunch at MOFGA
294 Crosby Brook Road, Unity, ME 04988

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association is creating a food system that is healthy and fair for all of us, but we can’t do it alone.

1:15 PM

Brodis Blueberries
128 Jones Hill Road (off of Route 235), Hope, ME 04847

LOCAL. FAMILY. FRESH. We are the definition of local. Our family has been selling berries off the land for over 150 years. For generations our goal has been to manage and produce the best berry available.

2:50 PM

American Unagi
186 One Pie Rd, Waldoboro, ME 04572

American Unagi has sustainably sourced eel that’s a pure pleasure to enjoy. Discover why half the planet has celebrated the rich, umami flavor of freshwater eel for centuries with the clean, delicious fish delicacies grown here at home. Take a bite and believe.

4:05 PM

Sheepscot Valley Farm
163 Town House Rd, Whitefield, ME 04353

Sheepscot Valley Farm is a MOFGA Certified Organic Dairy Farm located in beautiful Whitefield, Maine

5:40 PM

Dinner and Social Hour at Highmoor Farm
University of Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
52 US Route 202, Monmouth, ME 04259

9:00 PM

Bus returns to Augusta Civic Center
Civic Center Park and Ride Lot -  92-98 Community Drive, Augusta, ME 04330

10:20 PM

Bus returns to Cyr Bus Lines in Old Town
153 Gilman Falls Ave, Old Town, ME 04468